Village of Almond Caucus 1/14/2013
Village Board Caucus
January 14, 2013
Members: D. Helmrick, S. Bunders, B. Roehrborn, R. Burns.
Visitor: Geri Glodowski.
President K. Trzebiatowski called the Caucus to order at 6:30pm.
Nomination for President K. Trzebiatowski by J. Lemke and seconded by B. Roehrborn.
After three calls for nominations motion made by D. Helmrick and seconded by S.Bunders to close nominations. Motion carried 4-0.
Nominations for Treasurer V. Gendusa by K. Trzebiatowski and seconded by R. Burns.
After three calls for nominations motion made by B. Roehrborn and seconded by S. Bunders to close nominations. Motion carried 4-0.
Nomination for Trustee D. Helmrick by Geri Glodowski and nomination for Trustee B. Roehrborn made by D. Helmrick and nomination for Trustee R. Burns made by S. Bunders and seconded by J. Lemke.After three calls for nominations motion made by S. Bunders and seconded by K. Trzebiatowski to close nominations. Motion carried 4-0.
S.Bunders made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick to close Caucus at 6:45pm. Motion carried 4-0
Jaclyn Lemke, Clerk