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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village Board Minutes Feb 11, 2013

Village Board Meeting February 11, 2013 Board Members Present: D. Helmrick, B. Roehrborn, R. Burns, S. Bunders, K. Olson. Visitors: Mary Jean Joost, Roman Heimerl, Edward Burns, Art Pagel, Dan Folan. President K. Trzebiatowski called the meeting to order at 7pm.
  1. Olson made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick to approve the minutes of the January meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
  2. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried 5-0.
  3. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by K. Olson to approve the February disbursements. Motion carried 5-0.
  4. Helmrick made a motion and seconded by K. Olson to contact an Attorney for advise on the closure of 4th St. north of Division St. Motion carried 5-0.
  5. Olson made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick not to close the plotted road south of Art Pagels house from County J to A. Motion carried 5-0.
  6. Olson made a motion and seconded by R. Burns not to close Poplar St. from Main St. to Oak St. Motion carried 5-0.
We no longer have gas in the old Swan Oil gas pumps since January 31, 2013. Art Pagel mentioned that this is the 110th year of the Almond School and the 50th year of the Tater Toot.
  1. Olson made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick to adjourn at 8:35pm. Motion carried 5-0.
Next Meeting March 11, 2013 Jaclyn Lemke, Clerk