Village Board Minutes December 14, 2015
Village Board Meeting
December 14, 2015
Members Present: R. Burns, B. roehrborn, S. Bunders, K. Olson.
Visitors: Ed Schultz, David Knaapen, Heidi Iwanski, Dan Folan, Jon Pagel.
President K. Trzebiatowski called the meeting to order at 7pm.
K. Olson made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried 4-0.
B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to approve the minutes of the November meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
K. Olson made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to approve the December disbursements. Motion carried 4-0.
David Knaapen who is running for County Circuit Court Judge gave a talk on his qualifications.
Den-Al Brothers LLP changed their name back to Pagel Construction Co, Inc. so a new contract was signed.
Jon Pagel attended the meeting with negotiations at the Lagoon.
B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to open a checking account at Bancroft State Bank for the Elm St. Project. Motion carried 4-0.
K. Olson made a motion and seconded by R. Burns to leave the Sewer rates the same for the next two years. Motion carried 4-0.
B. Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by K. Olson to approve the Election Workers for 2016-2017. Motion carried 4-0.
Election workers are Betty Burns, Mickie Pagel, Marion Pohl, Joan Rohde, Robert Rohde, Dianne Schultz, SuAnn Pagel-Rast, James Riggenbach, Ellen Riggenbach.
Caucus January 11, 2016 at 6:30pm.
Next Meeting January 11, 7pm.
K. Olson made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0.
Jaclyn Lemke, Clerk