Contact Information

Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


Upcoming Events

Month: July 2017

  • Ordinance/Personnel Committee Meeting

    Village of Almond Ordinance/Personnel Committee Meeting July 24, 2017-7pm. Municipal Center-122 Main St. Agenda: 1. Review fee structure for zoning permits. 2. Clarify what should be included as a building…

  • Village Board Minutes July 10, 2017

    Village Board Meeting July 10, 2017 Members Present: K. Stucker, S. Bunders, R. Burns, J. Riggenbach, B. Roehrborn. Visitors Present: Heidi Iwanski, Mary Ann Stuart, Jennifer Lowery, Dan Folan. President…

  • Village Board Agenda July 10, 2017

    Village Board Meeting Municipal Building July 10, 2017-7pm Agenda: Committee and Zoning reports. Maintenance report Discussion and possible action on debris in Village, work on CMOM for sewer, Elm St.…