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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village Board Minutes July 9, 2018

Village of Almond Board Meeting July 9, 2018 The board met at 6:30pm at the corner of 4th and Division St to look over the Village water way to determine if anything possible could be done about the flow of water when there is a lot of rain/runoff. They then returned to the Village Hall for further discussion on it at their regular meeting. Present: S Bunders, J Riggenbach, K Trzebiatowski, C Schmidt, R Burns, H Burns, C Smith Visitors: Dan Folan President K Trzebiatowski called the meeting to order at 7:00pm S Bunders made a motion, seconded by C Schmidt to accept the June minutes. Motion carried 4-0. Treasurer’s Report: H Burns gave the treasurer’s report. J Riggenbach made a motion, seconded by R Burns to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried 4-0. Finance Report. R Burns gave the financial reports. A motion was made by S Bunders, seconded J Riggenbach to accept the Finance reports. Motion carried 4-0. Audit Report: It was decided the board does not need the auditor to come explain the report. Fire: The EMS is hosting the County EMS Banquet this year. It will be held at Two Lakes on August 20th. Properties: The board met and looked at the property by Sanchez’s house. After much discussion a motion was made by R Burns and seconded by S Bunders that the board will not fix the Sanchez’s basement damage. Motion carried 4-0. The board decided that it would proceed to fix the water way problem. Depending on the cost if it can be done this year or have to wait ‘til next year. Public Works: D Folan gave a report on the CMAR report. J Riggenbach made a motion, seconded by R Burns to approve the Compliance Maintenance Resolution #113. Motion carried 4-0 Ordinance/Personal: J Riggenbach reported there are car issues on Elm St. There are some grass issues at the Jerry Fay and Cory Methfessal residents. Fuel Stop needs to trim trees. There are also limbs at the corner of Oak and High School St at the Joe Dorgan resident that need attention. The ordinance committee is going to write up a new ordinance proposal for the Business Continuation Ordinance and bring it back to the next meeting. Equipment: None Cemetery: None Zoning: None Beautification: None Application for Liquor/Beer license-Nauta Enterprise Inc., dba Fuel Stop. J Riggenbach made a motion, seconded by R Burns to grant a Fuel Stop a Liquor/Beer license. Motion carried 4-0 Operators Licenses: S Bunders made a motion, seconded by C Schmidt to grant operator licenses to Roy Mitchell, Gary Otto, Laurie Del Rosario and Janis Klismith. Motion carried 4-0 News Letter: Has been mailed out. Next meeting will be August 13, 2018 Adjourn: S Bunders made a motion, seconded by R Burns to adjourn. Motion carried. 4-0 Adjourn at 8:30pm Respectfully Carol Smith, Clerk