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Almond, WI 54909


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Town and Village of Almond Joint Fire Committee Meeting Minutes – 8/30/2022

Town-Village of Almond

Joint Fire Committee Meeting

Almond Fire Department

Tuesday August 30, 2022


Present were: Roger Hetzel, Kip Gutke, Carl Schmidt, Brian Roehrborn, Lori Helmrick, Greg Otto and Carol Smith.

Also, present were: Chief Dan Folan

Meeting called to order by Chairman Roger Hetzel at 7:03pm

Had Election of Officers – Kip Gutke made a motion, seconded by Greg Otto to nominate Roger Hetzel as Chairman. No other nominations.  With no other nominations Roger was voted in by unanimous vote.

Brian Roehrborn made a motion, seconded by Lori Helmrick to nominate Carol Smith for secretary.  After no other nominations Carol was voted in by unanimous vote.

Kip Gutke made a motion, seconded by Lori Helmrick to nominate Brian Roehrborn for Vice Chair.  After no other nominations. Brian was voted in by unanimous vote.

Discussion was held on the budget for 2023.  Brian Roehrborn made a motion, seconded by Kip Gutke to approve the budget by 2% as determined last year of $47,148.48.  Motion approved 6-0.  Will take back to their boards for approval.

Fire Chief Dan Folan gave a report on the new fire truck. The fire department has received a grant with all the equipment needed to train and do grain bin rescues.  This training will be done in October 2022.

Discussion was held on the Chicken/Pork chop dinner to be held on September 11th at the American Legion Hall.  This is the Fire Departments annual fundraiser.  This year they are raising money for a Lukas device for the EMS.

Discussion was held on determining an Almond Fire Department User Fee for fires.  Need to get more information.  This will be brought back at a later meeting.

Next meeting will be November 9, 2022 to further discuss and hopefully finalize the User Fee.

Greg Otto made a motion, seconded by Kip Gutke to adjourn.

Adjourned at 7:47pm

Respectfully submitted

Carol Smith, Secretary