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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Joint Fire Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/21/2022

Town-Village of Almond

Joint Fire Committee Meeting

Wednesday December 21, 2022


Present were: Roger Hetzel, Matt Lemke, Kip Gutke, C. Schmidt, L. Helmrick, G. Otto and Carol Smith.

Also present were: Dan Folan, Dennis Schultz

Meeting called to order by Chairman R. Hetzel at 7:20pm

Kip presented a draft of a reimbursement invoice for cost recovery to give to the owner of the property for services rendered by the fire department.  This fee/form will be sent to the owner of the property where the fire/service occurred.  They in turn will send it to their insurance company for the reimbursement.  If their insurance company declines reimbursement or they are uninsured, a formal notification to the Almond Village Clerk must be provided and no further action will be required.  This must be done withing 30 days of notice sent to the home owner.

The members discussed some changes to this form.  Kip will go over this form and make the changes and email them to Carol to forward to the rest of the members for approval or suggestions before presenting this to Mark Bickford for review.

The board decided to meet again on Feburary 8, 2023 at 6:00PM

Kip made a motion, seconded by G. Otto to adjourn

Adjourned at 8:05pm

Respectfully submitted

Carol Smith, Secretary