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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village of Almond Meeting Minutes – 7/8/2024

Almond Village Board Regular Meeting
July 8, 2024

Present: B. Roehrborn, D. Johnson, D. Schultz, W. Tomczak, C. Schmidt, L. Helmrick, C. Smith, H Burns

Visitors:  Greg Otto, Doug Carey

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President B. Roehrborn

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

L. Helmrick a motion, seconded by C. Schmidt to approve the minutes from the June 10, 2024 board meeting.  Motion approved 5-0.

Treasurer’s report – H. Burns gave the treasurer’s report.  W. Tomczak made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the treasurer’s report.  Motion approved 5-0.

Finance report:  L. Helmrick gave the finance report.  C. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to approve the bills.  Motion approved 5-0

Public Input-Doug Carey appeared before the board representing Duane Wilson who is running for District Assembly 57.  He gave a brief presentation on his support for Duane Wilson.

Public Works- Discussion on sidewalk repairs.  L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to repair the bridge south of the fire department, not to exceed $5,000.00.  Motion approved 5-0.  In the meantime, Greg will cold patch to that section for safety purposes until the repair can be done.

Fire/EMS –EMS has two new hires.  One firefighter has retired.

Properties – Received a compliant on lot# 101210927-12.19 of a garden being put on this property.  The board reviewed the property and property boundaries and determined there is nothing wrong.  Therefore, no action taken.

Ordinance/Personnel – Went over the changes to the Employee Handbook.  C. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to approve the changes.  Motion approved 5-0.

Equipment – Might have to get a different pusher for the wheel loader.  Greg is getting a couple of new tires for the lawnmower.

Zoning – A driveway, handicap ramp, and fixing on a garage-permits

Cemetery – Mowing is getting caught up

Beautification – None

Media/Sewer Clerk – Sewer bills going out in a couple of weeks to the ones who get them quarterly.  Heather is working on the Village newsletter.  It will be online again.

Discussion/sign agreement with the Portage County Animal Control-The board agreed to sign the contract.  C. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to sign the Portage County Animal Control

 Agreement.  Motion approved 5-0.

Next meeting August 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm

D. Schultz made a motion, seconded by C. Schmidt to adjourn.  Motion approved 5-0

Adjourned at 7:00 pm


Carol Smith, Clerk