Present: B. Roehrborn, D. Johnson, D. Schultz, L. Helmrick, W. Tomczak, C. Smith, H Burns
Visitors: G. Otto, Devon Austin, Kristina Austin
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President B. Roehrborn
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
D. Johnson made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the minutes from the December 9, 2024 board meeting. Motion approved 4-0.
Treasurer’s report – H. Burns gave the treasurer’s report. L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by D. Schultz to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion approved 4-0.
Finance report: D. Johnson gave the finance report. D. Schultz made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to approve the bills. Motion approved 4-0. L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by D. Schultz to take $4,878.26 out of the cemetery CD that is coming due and put into the checking account for operating expenses. The remainder of $4,000.00 be put into another CD that will come due in 2028. Motion approved 4-0. The $12,838.00 that paid for a sewer line repair will be coming out of the sewer replacement fund.
Public Input – Devon Austin approached the board asking what it would take to get him in compliance with the vehicle ordinances so he could store his vehicles on his property. L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by D. Johnson to give Devon Austin a permit to allow him to store two unregistered vehicles on his property to be in a fenced in area @1164 CTY RD D. The fence to be completed by May 1, 2025. The permit will be reviewed annually at the December meeting, and cost $15.00. This permit is allowable by ordinance 7-4-4. Motion passed 4-0.
Zoning – School is replacing a sign in front of the school to digital.
Greg is looking into getting signs for the side of the dump truck and loader.
Properties –W. Tomczak will be drafting a letter to Jim Johnson to get an update on the sale of the roadway between A & J. Looking into seals for the fire department doors.
Public Works – None
Fire/EMS – L. Helmrick has officially retired from the EMS. There is a CPR recertification class starting Tuesday January 14, 2025 for the EMS.
Ordinance/Personnel – None
Equipment –None
Cemetery – None
Beautification – None
Media/Sewer –Getting sewer money back from taxes.
Next meeting February 10, 2025 at 5:00 pm
L. Hemrick made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to adjourn. Motion approved 4-0
Adjourned at 6:15 pm
Respectfully Carol Smith, Clerk