February 10, 2025
Present: B. Roehrborn, D. Johnson, D. Schultz, D. Warzynski, L. Helmrick, W. Tomczak, C. Smith, H. Burns
Visitors: G. Otto
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President B. Roehrborn
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by D. Johnson to approve the minutes from the January 13, 2025 board meeting. Motion approved 5-0.
Treasurer’s report – H. Burns gave the treasurer’s report. D. Johnson made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion approved 5-0.
Finance report: D. Johnson gave the finance report. D. Schultz made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the bills. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Input – None
Public Works – None
Fire/EMS – EMS recertified in CPR. Dan Folan has officially retired from EMS. D. Schultz bought some equipment from two departments that were upgrading and combining their departments from Rudolph Fire and Wisconsin Surplus.
Properties – Update on the property that is being sold to Johnson and Pagel.
Greg is looking into getting signs for the collection site. D. Warzynski made a motion, seconded by L. Helmick to let Greg spend up to $250.00 for signs at the collection site. Motion approved 5-0
Ordinance/Personnel – Going to put in another window at the shack at the collection site and also a CO2 detector.
Zoning – None
Equipment –Voltage /alternator not working properly -possible batteries on the wheel loader. Greg will get this looked into and get it fixed.
D. Schultz made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to pay the second (February portion) of taxes due to the County, Almond School and Mid-State. Motion approved 5-0.
Cemetery – None
Beautification – None
Media/Sewer –Getting sewer money back from taxes.
D. Schultz informed the board he is now DNR certified with a Sewer Operator license for the Village of Almond. He just needs to get his hours in.
G. Otto presented the board with a welcome letter to be given to new residents. This will be posted on the website.
Next meeting March 10, 2025 at 5:00 pm
L. Hemrick made a motion, seconded by W. Tomczak to adjourn. Motion approved 5-0
Adjourned at 6:00 pm
Respectfully Carol Smith, Clerk