Municipal Building
July 13, 2020
7:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance
- Discussion/Action on Minutes of June 8, 2020 Regular Village Board Meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Public Input (No formal action to be taken)
- Finance/Approval of Bills
- Fire Report
- Public Works
- Request from Dee’s Bar to close Division Street between CTY A and the 2nd St. on July 25, 2020 all day to have an antiques car show.
- Discussion/Action on possible electronics collections
- Properties
- Ordinance/Personnel
- Discussion/Action on/Beer/Wine License Applications for Liberation Farms LLC
- Discussion/Action on Beer Liquor license
- Equipment
- Zoning
- Cemetery
- Beautification
- Media/Sewer Clerk
- Planning Commission
- Is there anything else to come before the board?
- Next Meeting August 10, 2020
- Adjournment
Carol Smith, Village Clerk
Please Note:
This will be in person meeting. If you wish to use a mask, that will be up to you. We will have some available if you need one.
- Please note that upon reasonable notice, all reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities through appropriate aids and service. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Municipal Clerk at (715)366-8171 or 122 Main St., Almond, WI or by fax at (715)366-4558.
PROOF OF POSTING: A copy of the notice was delivered on July 8, 2020 to the following: website (upload), Village of Almond Municipal Center (posted), Portage County Bank – Almond Branch (posted), and Village of Almond Post Office (posted).