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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village Board Meeting Minutes – 5/9/2022

Almond Village

Board Regular Meeting

May 9, 2022

Present: R. Burns, D. Johnson, B. Roehrborn, T. Pagel, G. Otto, L. Helmrick, H. Burns, C. Smith,

Visitors:  David Schauer, N. Seaman, K. Gutke, R. Hetzel, M. Lemke

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President B. Roehrborn

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

R. Burns made a motion, seconded by D. Johnson to approve the April minutes.  Motion approved 5-0.

Discussion/Action-Town Board on collection site operations.  Discussion on delivering one-half of garbage and recyclables to Portage County.  This will meet the Town’s obligation to the County. County would take all of our recyclables.  Discussion of other needs for the collection site. Possible installation of a compactor-still looking into this.  This would result in less pull charges.  Discussion of disposal of the refrigerators.  As it is going to cost us $25.00 to have them removed. Was decided to let Wellers handle it all at this time.  Discussion on having another electronic disposal.  Looking at the spring of 2023.

Steve request permission to purchase two tarps at a cost of $325.00 each as long as they are canvas to prevent water from getting into the dumpsters.

Properties – T. Pagel request we move some things out of the Newby shed to give space for things that need to be put in there.  It agreed to have this done by the end of May.  Tom will help with the removal of these things.

Cemetery – A walk through of the cemetery was done to discuss what repairs need to be done and the order they need to get done in.

Excavation “Competent Person” Safety training was discussed.  B. Roehrborn would like to get three people trained on this for a cost of $100.00 per person.  This is for confined spaces safety when Dave goes down in the lift station.  He would like to send Wally Tomczak, Tom Pagel and Steve Korth.  The board agreed.

Treasurer’s Report:  H. Burns gave the treasurer’s report.   R. Burns made a motion, seconded by G. Otto to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Motion approved 5-0.   

Finance – D. Johnson gave the finance report. R. Burns made a motion, seconded by G. Otto to pay the bills.  Motion approved 5-0.

Public Input – None

Fire/EMS –G. Otto updated the board with information about billing and receiving payment for fire calls.  This is a work in progress at this time

R. Burns made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the Compliance Maintenance Resolution #117.  Motion approved 5-0

Public Works – R. Burns reported the cost to repair the corner of School and D would by $4800.00 by A-1 Services.  G. Otto made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to get this corned fixed by A-1 at $4800.00.  Motion approved 5-0.  They also decided to talk to the school about changing the bus route to the school on a better street to help prevent future road damage to the village streets.

Ordinance/Personnel – Jared McNulty is interested in mowing at the cemetery.

Equipment – The equipment committee needs to meet to check over all of our equipment to see what needs to be attended to.

Dave informed it would cost $600.00 rent to grind the sidewalks to make them even for snow blowing.  D. Johnson advised against it because of dust.  There are 50 sidewalk blocks in questions.

Zoning –There were two permits issued, one for pool and one for a roof.

Beautification – None  

Media/Sewer Clerk –We are still working on the changing our Domain name according to WEC recommendations.  Hope to have this completed by the end of this month.  Notifications will be sent out when this is completed.

Planning Commission – None

Angel’s request permission to use the grass space east of the bar to throw bean bags.  Approval was given.

Next Board will be on June 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm

R. Burns made a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to adjourn.  Motion passed 5-0

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Carol Smith, Clerk