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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Joint Fire Committee Meeting Minutes – 8/8/2024

Town-Village of Almond

Joint Fire Committee Meeting

Thursday August 8, 2024

7:00 PM

Present were: Matt Lemke, Roger Hetzel, Lori Helmrick, Wally Tomczak, and Carol Smith

Also present were: Dennis Schultz

Meeting called to order by R. Hetzel at 7:00pm

Election of officers – Matt Lemke made a motion, seconded by Lori Helmrick to keep the officers as before.  Motion approved 4-0

Lori Helmrick made a motion, seconded by Matt Lemke to approve the minutes from the April 16, 2024 meeting.  Motion approved 4-0

The committee went over the Income/Expenses year to date for 2024

The committee went over the budget for 2025.  In 2022 the committee agreed to increase the budget each year through 2027 by 2%.  After reviewing the income/expense and current expense, the committee recommended to stick with the 2% increase.  They would like to review this again in December to see how the year ends in case they might have to increase the budget.  Matt Lemke made a motion, seconded by Lori Helmrick to approve the budget with the increase of 2%.  This would be an increase of $480.91 from last year.  Total budget for 2025 will be $49,053.27.  Motion approved 4-0.

Dennis Schultz explained the SOG.   As the committee recommended, he had looked into it with other departments and recommended that as it comes from the state, it will be good.  Wally made a motion, seconded by Lori Helmrick to continue with SOG as recommended.  Motion passed 4-0.

Chief’s report – Just for a heads up we might have to replace 1406 in the future.  It is forty years old.

Lori Helmrick made a motion, seconded by Matt Lemke to adjourn.  Motion approved 4-0

Adjourned at 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted

Carol Smith, Secretary