Present: Dennis Schultz, Lori Helmrick, Walley Tomczak, Brian Roehrborn
Meeting was called to order by Dennis @ 5:00
Dennis raised the question if Wally and Dennis should be present due to the fact that we are village employees. Brian said it was ok since we are only making a recommendation.
We need to add $0.50 for Greg after he receives his CDL in October and have money for the raise when he gets the septic license
Clerk will get a $1.00/hr pay increase
Treasurer $500 pay increase
Sewer and media clerk raise $0.50 per hour
Snow plowing all levels will get a $0.50 per hour raise. Dennis abstained from discussion.
Cemetery wages ok
Discussed raising starting wages for the collection site to attract new people.
Motion to adjourn by Lori second by Wally @5:41