Village Board Meeting
March 10, 2014
Members Present: D. Helmrick, K. Stucker, S. Bunders, R. Burns, K. Olson, B. Roehrborn.
Visitors Dan Folan
President K.. Trzebiatowski called the meeting to order at 7pm.
- Helmrick made a motion and seconded by K, Olson to accept the minutes of the February meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
- Olson made a motion and seconded by B. Roehrborn to approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried 6-0.
- Olson made a motion and seconded by S. Bunders to approve the March disbursements for March. Motion approved 6-0.
The letters were sent to Businesses in regards to Ice and Snow on sidewalks.
- Olson made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick to deposit $800.00 to the Cemetery account and $210.00 to the Beautification account from a $1010.00 donation to the Village. Motion carried 6-0.
- Roehrborn made a motion and seconded by K. Stucker to leave the Cemetery lot prices as they are. Motion carried 6-0.
- Bunders made a motion and seconded by K. Olson to approve Operators licenses to Carol Brewer and Brittany Tally. Motion carried 6-0.
- Olson made a motion and seconded by D. Helmrick to adjourn. Motion carried 6-0.
Next Meeting April 14, 2014.
Jaclyn Lemke, Clerk