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Village of Almond

PO Box 125

Almond, WI 54909


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Village Board Meeting Minutes – 12/11/2023

Almond Village

Board Regular Meeting

                                                                   December 11, 2023


Present: B. Roehrborn, D. Johnson, D. Schultz, D. Warzynski, C. Schmidt, G. Otto, L. Helmrick, C. Smith, H Burns

Visitors:  David Schauer, Lucille Bambie, Rich Novotnty

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President B. Roehrborn

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

G. Otto a motion, seconded by L. Helmrick to approve the minutes from the November 13, 2023 board meeting.  Motion approved 6-0.

Treasurer’s report – C. Smith gave the treasurer’s report.  D. Johnson made a motion, seconded by C. Schmidt to approve the treasurer’s report.  Motion approved 6-0.

Finance report: D. Johnson gave the finance report.  G. Otto made a motion, seconded by D. Warzynski to approve the bills.  Motion approved 6-0

Public Input- None

Discussion/Review Sewer Rates:  This must be done every two years.  After much discussion, D. Johnson made a motion, seconded by D. Schultz to increase the sewer rates across the board by 10%.  Motion approved 6-0.  L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by G. Otto to change the Ordinance on the Sewer Utility 5-1-3 section C to read: Sewer billing will be added as a special charge on the property tax bills starting in 2023.  Motion approved 6-0.

Update on the generator-Install date January 3, 2024.

Update on banners for the streets:  The school in interested in proposing options to the board on having the students doing something.

Getting high visible vest for the collection site workers to wear for identification.

Fire/EMS –Bathrooms need to be painted.  There is a leak in the women’s bathroom. Working on updating name Badges for the members.  Going to have a “Stop the Bleed” class scheduled soon.

Public Works:  Rich Novotny from 1142 CTY RD D-continue to investigate the acceptable practices on closing alley ways.

Discussion/approval of Election Poll Workers for 2024-2045.  L. Helmrick made a motion, seconded by C. Schmidt to approve Republican-Jami Schmidt, Democrat-Ellen Riggenbach, Unaffiliated-Betty Burns, Micki Pagel, Laurie Schultz, Dianne Schultz, Joan Rohde, SuAnn Pagel-Rast, Patti Wohlfeil.

Dave was asked to remove the salt/sand from the plow truck in the spring when the salting is done to preserve the box of the truck.

Properties Committee –Dave will be cutting down Ash Trees in the Village Park and some other places.

Ordinance/Personnel-one application for collection site received

Equipment- New brush is working well.

Zoning – two remodeling

Cemetery – None

Beautification –The school is looking into possibilities of the students putting together ideas for the signs.

Media/Sewer Clerk – None

Note for the collections site:  Lumber that has 50% or less paint should not be placed in the dumpsters.  It should be placed in the wood pile.

Caucus date was set for January 8, 2024 at 4:45 pm

Next meeting January 8, 2024 at 5:00pm

C. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by L. Hemrick to adjourn.  Motion approved 6-0

Adjourned at 6:05pm


Carol Smith, Clerk